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Morphveegee is a simple software designed to turn simple Moho animations into SVG animations to run on the web/browser based on the Anime.js JavaScript animation library.

In this Guide I will:

 Show you how to turn your simple Moho animation into SVG animations using anime.js

 Explain how to setup/name your Moho layers and objects

I will not:

 Be explaining how Moho works,

 Be explaining how to rig or animate on moho

 Be explaining how to code in Anime.js Note

1. This would not support

 Switch layers

 Masking

 Depth sort/Layer ordering

 Gradient animation

 Stroke Exposure

 Visible/Invisible

 Lines on complex paths 2. This Supports

 Motion/Point animation

 Color animation Pre-Step

 Download, Extract software folder and save in preferred memorable location


 Illustrate simple character to be animated and name each layer


 For each layer, Irrespective of the number of elements in the layer, each element has to be named

 Using the fill select tool (shortcut “Q”), select the element.

 In the style panel, check “Advanced” and open Advanced mode.

 With the advanced panel opened and the element selected, rename element to a different unique name.(Make sure element name is not same as layer name).


 Rig and animate simple character to satisfaction.


 Create folder to store SVG sequence.

 Export animation as SVG sequence to the folder your created or any preferred folder.


 Open up Morphveegee app.

 Set View Box size.

 Give a name to the animation output.

 Set duration of animation.

 Choose the attribute to be animated.

 Choose to loop animation or not to loop animation.

 If you choose true, animation would loop continuously.

 If you choose false, animation would run only once every time the page is refreshed or the animation is triggered.

 After setting all your variables, click the button “SELECT AN EXPORT”.

 Select the folder where the SVG sequence has been saved. Click open or press Enter.

Once this is done, a folder containing the Anime.js library, index.html and the animation code is created and saved in the same folder where your Morphveegee application is located.

NOTE: For each export, Kindly close and run Morphveegee again


Zip file containing Morphveegee app

137 MB
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